I'm starting to believe that from age 20-29 (not that I've reached 29) individuals are at the point in their lives where life is starting to come together, or you begin TRYING to make life come together. Is this too deep or philosophical? Maybe. But I truly believe that this is a time in my life where I am learning more about myself, and the world, and people in general. In my attempt to continue on my path to mental and physical fitness, I have done research (at length) and will now prepare for my first yoga class.
I've done the research. I've seen the yoga bodies. I've peered into the yoga studio windows enough to know that this is something I NEED to try.
I'm not going to lie- I'm nervous. I'm scared. Can you fall in yoga? Does that happen? What's acceptable and what's not? Am I going to be able to do a headstand? I could go on for hours...
Maybe this is premature, and maybe by next week I'll have answers to these questions. Please feel free to comment and share you experience. I would love to hear about it. :)
P.S. I'm not related to Jimmy Fallon. I get that question quite a bit these days. I WISH.